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Mr. Beautiful Night |
Thursday, April 30, 2020
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
Here Is Miracle
Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera buat teman2 yg sy kasihi..
Selawat dan salam kepada junjungan besar Rasulullah SAW..
dengan harapan semua dalam keadaan sihat selalu. dah lama sy tinggalkan blog ni hanging begitu berikutan pelbagai kesibukan dan kekangan masa juga dilemma yg bertahun tahun but u know masa terus berlalu spt pepatah selagi nyawa dikandung badan selagi masih ntaya disini sebelum kembali ke kg halaman.
Semenjak perpindahan ibuku pada tanggal 28/11/2017 yg lalu..aku terkesima. Aku tenggelam dlm perasaan diri sendiri. kesedaran yang aku akan turut sama mengikut mereka berpindah dari alam yang nyata ini. Dan ini lah kenyataan. Kesunyian sering menemaniku dimana juga. Pepatah mengatakan 'hidup menumpang, mati mengikut'..begitulah keadaannya..
Pelbagai rasa dan pengalaman baik suka dan duka aku lalui yg tidak pernah aku rasakan dan ku duga sebelum ini terjadi satu demi satu. Cuma aku fikirkan aku perlu perkemaskan dan persiapkan diriku kerna saatnya akan sampai juga dan itulah rahsia yg aku sendiri tidak mengetahui tentangnya.
Dalam pencarian diri sendiri..umpama lembaran buku satu persatu..aku kian mengerti..mengerti dalam sedar yg tiada apa. Pencarian telah tamat bila aku bertemu kematian ini. Dan kehidupan yg abadi membuka seluas luasnya..Syukur Alhamdulillah kepada Dia yang mengkehendaki segalanya. Aku terkesima lagi kerana dalam itu ada dalam dan dalam itu penuh dengan rahsianya. Bagaimana akan difahami kerana rasa dan kefahaman itu tanpa huruf dan kata2.
Namun bahagia bila mngetahui hakikat sebenarnya. Aku teringat pesan Armahum Tok kenali pernah berkata. " Jangan sampai terlihat adanya diri " amat besar maknanya sebagai kunci kepada erti kehidupan yg sebenar dan hakiki. Setiap insan perlu membunuh sapi betina yang menjadi berhala sekian lama pada dirimu sendiri..seperti yg dirakamkan di dalam AlQuran mengenainya. Bunuhlah nafsu keakuan dan kembali berserah diri k epada yang Haq setelah kau mengetahui Rahsia itu.
Dan perjalanan hidup ini tidaklah terhenti hanya disitu..kita memegang amanahNya dan pastinya harus kita berserah diri total kepadanya. itu la cari org2 yg beriman..dengar dan taat. kehidupan sebenar dengan berlapang dada.
Sekian gumpal kata yang dapat aku paparkan setakat ini. mybe ada masa aku menulis lagi..kerana kiamat sedang bermula..
Salam Ramadahan 5 1441H.
Mzamreal :)
Purple Haze #11 Dear love of mine
I'm sitting down. Sitting down in my home. Dear love of mine. Please come here alone.
How many nights? We were burning so. Dear love of mine, please don't go so slow.
How many nights? We were burning so. Dear love of mine, please don't go so slow.
Its midnight now
Shes on the phone. You don't know why but we're like a stone. Cold, different, changed
Once she loved you so. She will hate you now. When it's time to go
Shes on the phone. You don't know why but we're like a stone. Cold, different, changed
Once she loved you so. She will hate you now. When it's time to go
And now she is gone
Sit back and close the door. She said now Im done. And now shes with someone
Now where shes gone .There no turn back (unclear lyric)
And now all alone. Drinking on my own
Sit back and close the door. She said now Im done. And now shes with someone
Now where shes gone .There no turn back (unclear lyric)
And now all alone. Drinking on my own
Source: Musixmatch
Songwriters: Daniel Spaleniak
Tuesday, April 28, 2020
2 Kalimah
Mengucap Dua
Kalimah Syahadah
1. Mengisbatkan Zatullah
2. Mengisbatkan Sifatullah
3. Mengisbatkan Af'al Allah.
4. Menetapkan kebenaran Rasulullah
1. Diikrarkan
2. Diiktiqadkan
3. Diiktirafkan
4. Diamalkan
1. Ikrar dengan lidah
2. Tasdiq dengan hati
1. Menduakan Allah.
2. Syak dalam hatinya.
3. Menyangkal dirinya dijadikan oleh Allah.
4. Tiada mengisbatkan Zatullah.
1. Mengisbatkan Zatullah
2. Mengisbatkan Sifatullah
3. Mengisbatkan Af'al Allah.
4. Menetapkan kebenaran Rasulullah
1. Diikrarkan
2. Diiktiqadkan
3. Diiktirafkan
4. Diamalkan
1. Ikrar dengan lidah
2. Tasdiq dengan hati
1. Menduakan Allah.
2. Syak dalam hatinya.
3. Menyangkal dirinya dijadikan oleh Allah.
4. Tiada mengisbatkan Zatullah.
يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُواْ اتَّقُواْ اللّهَ حَقَّ تُقَاتِهِ وَلاَ تَمُوتُنَّ إِلاَّ وَأَنتُم مُّسْلِمُونَ
“Hai orang-orang yang beriman, bertakwalah kepada Allah sebenar-benar takwa kepada-Nya; dan janganlah sekali-kali mati melainkan kamu dalam keadaan beragama Islam.” (QS. Ali Imran, 3: 102).
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Speak about Real
Respect this right here nigga.. I-M-D
You must play this.. I-M-D, word up
Yeah, you know, Infamous Mobb Deep
It's real.. check it out tho'
Respect the I-M-D
Fresh out the car in the R-A-double-P, E-R
P-E-double, when I speak it gets real
Flakes try to tell me, "Yo Dunn, nah chill
You can't come out, wylin out like that
Rhymes so vivid Dunn I see what you sayin"
But you gotta understand how I feel
The pain and the hardship it took to build
Years of frustration, some got killed
Others fell vic' to the gates of steel
Most try to instill sanity still
stuck on this rock where we don't belong
I wanna go home not sing this song
but I'm forced to perform speech napalm
Calm, surrounded by all types of harm
Dogg man fuck your screwface I watch hands
Watch your hands nigga, I see that, word up..
Word up, peep y'all cats movements
Laid back in the cut like what?
Pay attention.. check it out Dunn
I'm bein watched by snake eyes
Peep them shed skin plenty times
Surrounded by crash dummies and empty minds
Get your shit together Dunn, see between the lines
Stay awoke, to the ways of the wickedest kind
Infamous - cause of the way, I write rhymes
Plus my story's more foul than your newborn eatin swine
(Stupid) Catch a seat, it's about to get deep
like squeezin flouride on your brush for your teeth
or, takin your seed to get shots every week
We need to pay more attention to our surroundings
Busy wildin, all for the wrong cause
Put that same strength into somethin that'll pay off
Don't forget your soul's involved
That same energy you put out, comes right back it revolves
I smash you, Dunn only if I have to
I would hate to, but I'll be more than glad to
The positive and negative war has now begun
P helps you seperate both the sides
Let the truth arise, black devil don't hide
You can't hide from me, you might from the others
I've been employed to pull your ass out from the covers
You walk like you got hooves and talk like you 'sposed to
Trickin my brothers into followin you? Yo
Potential energy is easily made kinetic
I turn 'em all back where they belong, don't wet it
What? Set it..
Set it nigga, fuckin fake-ass motherfuckers
Take your mask off nigga what? (what.. what..)