Tuesday, May 5, 2020

لاَ اِلَهَ اِلاّ اللهُ مُحَمَّدٌ رَسُولُ اللهِ فِي كُلِّ لَمْحَةٍ وَنَفَسٍ عَدَدَ مَا وَسِعَهُ عِلْمُ اللهِ

"Tiada Tuhan selain Allah, Nabi Muhammad adalah utusan Allah, pada setiap pandangan dan nafas, sebanyak bilangan yang diliputi oleh ilmu Allah."

Tiada lg yg dapat membantu ku selain Allah dan RasulNya dimasa ini. Tiada kawan keluarga mahupon sedara jiran or sesiapa pon lagi yg akan memahami situasinya. Berserah itulah yang tinggal untuk merentas nikmat kehidupan..Berserah dan tetaplah bersabar sesungguhnya kehidupan ini adalah satu ujian utk kembali kepadaNya seperti perjanjian kita dahulu. Disaat ini aku menahan kelaparan. Kg jauh aku tinggalkan untuk melalui perjalanan seterusnya..harus aku tinggalkan buat sementara. jika sampi saat aku kembali aku pasti sampai jua. Telah dirancangan semuanya..cuma rahsia itu membuat kita sering bertanya kenapa dan mengapa sedangkan jawapannya akan menyusul sebentar lagi..bertawakal itu perlu kerna tiap sesuatu dibawah rancanganNya. Cucikan jiwa dan bersederhana mantapkan iman dan harus cuba patuh dan taat pada perintah dan larangannya. Tatkala aku terbuai didalam dunia yang semestinya bukan tempat yang seharusnya. Kenangan silam rindu dan harapan masih menyala..biar cuba aku padam namun dia masih menyala..lalu aku serahkan pada Dia yg Lebih Berkuasa. Aku telah buang dan bunuh diriku sendiri demi kewujudan dan penzahiran Dia. Kelak aku cuma bergantung pada talinya. Tiada lain lagi kerana tiada lagi yang lain selain Dia..Yang Maha Esa. Selawatku kepadamu Ya Rasulullah SAW..Cuma Kau yang bisa dgn Syafaat darimu..

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Speak about Real

Respect this right here nigga.. I-M-D You must play this.. I-M-D, word up Yeah, you know, Infamous Mobb Deep It's real.. check it out tho' Respect the I-M-D Fresh out the car in the R-A-double-P, E-R P-E-double, when I speak it gets real Flakes try to tell me, "Yo Dunn, nah chill You can't come out, wylin out like that Rhymes so vivid Dunn I see what you sayin" But you gotta understand how I feel The pain and the hardship it took to build Years of frustration, some got killed Others fell vic' to the gates of steel Most try to instill sanity still stuck on this rock where we don't belong I wanna go home not sing this song but I'm forced to perform speech napalm Calm, surrounded by all types of harm Dogg man fuck your screwface I watch hands Watch your hands nigga, I see that, word up.. Word up, peep y'all cats movements Laid back in the cut like what? Pay attention.. check it out Dunn I'm bein watched by snake eyes Peep them shed skin plenty times Surrounded by crash dummies and empty minds Get your shit together Dunn, see between the lines Stay awoke, to the ways of the wickedest kind Infamous - cause of the way, I write rhymes Plus my story's more foul than your newborn eatin swine (Stupid) Catch a seat, it's about to get deep like squeezin flouride on your brush for your teeth or, takin your seed to get shots every week We need to pay more attention to our surroundings Busy wildin, all for the wrong cause Put that same strength into somethin that'll pay off Don't forget your soul's involved That same energy you put out, comes right back it revolves I smash you, Dunn only if I have to I would hate to, but I'll be more than glad to The positive and negative war has now begun P helps you seperate both the sides Let the truth arise, black devil don't hide You can't hide from me, you might from the others I've been employed to pull your ass out from the covers You walk like you got hooves and talk like you 'sposed to Trickin my brothers into followin you? Yo Potential energy is easily made kinetic I turn 'em all back where they belong, don't wet it What? Set it.. Set it nigga, fuckin fake-ass motherfuckers Take your mask off nigga what? (what.. what..)